How much should I put aside for emergencies?

 A young family stands together in the rain, smiling under an umbrella.

It’s always a good idea to save some cash for a “rainy day.” An Edward Jones financial advisor can help make sure your savings support your overall financial strategy. After all, you’ve worked hard to keep your financial strategy on track, right? An unexpected expense could easily derail that strategy.

That's why it's so important to prepare for unexpected events or expenses, like:

  • A job loss or early retirement 
  • Large housing or auto repairs 
  • Expenses related to child care or aging parents

Creating an emergency fund

One way to prepare financially for things like these is by creating an emergency fund. We know that putting money away to prepare for the unexpected can be hard, especially if you don't know how much you'll need – after all, they call these unexpected expenses for a reason.

How we can help

Your Edward Jones financial advisor can look at your entire financial picture and help you calculate how much cash you may need to fill your “rainy day” bucket and what should be invested to help you reach your goals.